Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My first post

I was so very excited to complete my very first post! Had several paragraphs written. I was reviewing it and found a few misspelled words and was wondering "Where is the spell check on this darn thing?" If anyone out there would be kind enough to help me....oh gosh it's right there! I didn't even see it. Any orig post I decided I just have to edit. So in the middle of editing spelling my wireless router kidding. I couldn't believe it. So, I lost the posting. I spent an hour trying to figure out what was wrong but it just died. No power. I called Cisco tech support and they said Yes, take it back to Best Buy. The kid at Best Buy gave me a new one and now after several hours I'm back. I was going to post up some pictures and other things but I'm pooped!
Until tomorrow.......